When looking for the right auto insurance, you have many options. Policies can come with liability coverage, collision coverage, comprehensive coverage, and even towing and labor charge coverage. Many people get confused about what these types of coverages are, and what they mean. The most commonly misunderstood is comprehensive coverage.
Comprehensive auto insurance coverage is the part of a car insurance policy that covers damage not caused by a collision or upset. Comprehensive coverage amounts vary from policy to policy and some cover certain situations while others do not. Examples of events that are covered in most comprehensive auto insurance policies are:
As you can see, having a good comprehensive insurance policy can come in handy for unexpected car related problems. Depending on what your deductible is, comprehensive insurance can save you some serious cash if any of the covered situations were to occur.
As always, it is a good idea to go over your current car insurance policy with a licensed and experienced insurance agent to make sure you are fully covered and can drive down the road feeling safe and secure. Ask a Vern Fonk Insurance agent today to help you look at comprehensive auto insurance for your car!
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