Homeowners Insurance

Robbery? Not in My House! (But Just in Case …)

Ah, the good old Pacific Northwest — where the moss grows freely, coffee keeps everyone alive, and, well, sometimes, someone decides to help themselves to what’s in your house. Yep, break-ins. 

Read on to learn how to prevent home burglary incidents — and what kinds of homeowners insurance can help you to recover if the worst comes to pass (but hopefully it won’t if you follow the tips in this guide). 

Burglary Happens to the Best of Us, Even You

Now, maybe you’re thinking, “Not me! My home is too cozy, too humble for anyone to want my stuff.” Well, friend, burglars don’t care if your art is minimalist chic or about that old velvet Elvis painting (though they might take the velvet Elvis — thieves have questionable taste). Even in the peace-loving land of Subaru drivers and tree-hugging hikers, the occasional sticky-fingered hooligan comes along and — bam — home invasion. 

What Does Home Insurance Cover in a Burglary?

Okay, so real talk. What does home insurance cover anyway? Does home insurance cover burglary? Short answer: Yep, it does! Long answer: As long as you’ve got the right kind of coverage, insurance is like that superhero cape you forgot you were wearing until you really needed it. 

Here’s the gist. If some rascal decides to break into your home and abscond with your beloved collection of quirky mugs, most standard home insurance policies will help cover the loss. From stolen electronics (your laptop and that gaming console you SWEAR you only use for Netflix), to damage they leave behind (like that window they shattered trying to get to your cat’s favorite sun spot), your policy’s got your back. 

But here’s the kicker — there’s a deductible. Yeah, that pesky thing. So, if they made off with your TV, you’ll probably get reimbursed minus that deductible. Also, don’t expect to recover a bag of cash you kept under your pillow for “emergencies” — seriously, that’s why there are banks. It’s all about making sure you have enough coverage for the things you’d truly miss. 

In the end, home insurance can help make you whole again. 

How to Prevent Home Burglary: Tips and Tricks

The absolute best way to handle a home invasion? Make sure it never happens in the first place. You know what they say: prevention is the spice of life … or maybe that was variety? Here are some home burglary prevention tips. 

Solidifying Your Sanctuary: Essential Locking Strategies

So, one asks: How to deter burglars? Step one: Lock your darn doors! Folks — most burglaries start with a door that’s just, ya know, hanging open like a welcome mat. Yes, Washingtonians are trusting, but burglars love that when it comes to break-ins. So, get yourself some quality deadbolts. Bonus points if you can hear an epic click-clunk when it locks. 

And those windows? They need love too! Make sure they have proper locks. And if you’ve got those gorgeous sliding glass doors (who doesn’t love a little indoor-outdoor vibe?), get a dowel rod or a metal bar to stick in the track. 

Neighbor Networks and Law Enforcement Liaisons

Get to know your neighbors. Maybe even bake them cookies (the universal peace offering). If you’re going out of town, ask if they can pick up your mail or just keep an eye out. Let them borrow your lawn mower. 

And, if you wanna go full-on retro cool, start a neighborhood watch. Slap a sticker on your window, alert the local law enforcement, and you’ll have an entire mini-army of folks keeping an eye out. Plus, those burglars are gonna see that sticker and think twice before they mess with any houses in your neighborhood! 

Preemptive Measures Before You Travel

Ah, vacation, the thing that makes “home robbery professionals” rub their hands together like cartoon villains. It’s vital that you don’t announce your getaway to the world until after you’re back. Save the sunset-over-Mt.-Hood shots for later. Letting everyone on Instagram know you’re out of town is basically a burglar’s invitation. 

Have your neighbors grab your mail (seriously, it’s your neighbors again — they’re the MVPs), and invest in light timers. Lights flicking on and off will make it look like someone’s home, keeping Mr. Burglar on their toes. Curtains should be open just enough that someone might think there’s a human inside — not so open that it screams, “Look at my expensive stereo!” 

Advanced Technologies in Burglary Deterrence

Security gadgets aren’t just for Bond villains. Nowadays, you can get all kinds of nifty things to help deter burglars. From doorbell cameras to motion-sensor lights that shout, “Surprise, I see you!” to full-blown home security systems, technology is here to be your best buddy. 

A video doorbell lets you answer the door from literally anywhere — whether you’re on the couch or on a wine-tasting trip in Walla Walla. Plus, if a burglar does show up, you can yell something like, “Get off my lawn!” even if you’re actually miles away. It’s oddly satisfying. 

And hey, bonus: Many insurance companies will give you a discount on your home policy for having these gadgets. One of the more common mistakes people make when buying homeowners insurance is not getting a great security system! 

Protecting Your Perimeter and Beyond

So you’ve locked your windows and installed a camera, but what about outside your home? Remember, before any burglar gets to your stuff, they have to get through your yard. Make that yard as uninviting as a 6 a.m. rainstorm (unless you’re a true PNW-er who thrives on such things). 

Keep bushes and hedges trimmed back so they don’t provide convenient hiding spots. Plant some thorny shrubs under windows, the kind that say, “Hey, burglar, enjoy these thorns in your shins!” And don’t leave ladders or tools lying around that could make their nefarious job easier. 

Behavioral Adjustments to Reduce Risks

Look, gadgets and locks are great, but sometimes the best way to prevent a home invasion is to simply not make yourself a target. If you’re in the habit of leaving the front door wide open while you run to the store, well … that’s a burglar’s dream come true. Even if you’re at home, lock up. 

Another tip: Don’t leave valuables — like that super-expensive gaming laptop — sitting in plain view. Burglars look through windows, and they love easy targets. Also, please stop hiding your spare key in the most obvious place ever. The fake rock? The flowerpot? Under the mat? Yeah, burglars have read the same guidebook. 

The Peace of Mind You Never Knew You Needed with Vern Fonk

All the prevention tips in the world are great, but if a burglar (or mother nature in the form of a storm) really wants in, there’s not always much you can do. That’s where having the right home insurance can turn a complete nightmare into just an annoying day. When some crook decides to walk away with your stuff, it’s nice to know you won’t have to empty your savings to get it back. 

Vern Fonk Insurance offers home insurance that covers you for break-ins, damage, and stolen items so you can get back on your feet. Because nothing says, “I’m over this mess,” quite like knowing you’ve got coverage for all your favorite things, from your electronics to that art collection you definitely didn’t buy at the local thrift shop. So go ahead, embark on that nature hike, enjoy the rain, and maybe even leave that velvet Elvis painting where it is. We’ve got your back. 

Give us a call today at (800) 455-8276, request a quote online, or visit one of our offices in your neck of the woods to get started on your own customized homeowners insurance quote! 


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